
ASD Roadmap

I was excited to have been recruited to join the AJ Drexel Autism Institute, because its public health approach to ASD was consistent with my goals of exploring how to create programs that were accessible, scalable, and sustainable. A complete description of my work at Drexel is captured in the Transition Pathways Proposal.

Re-framing data from well-controlled studies, highlighting key findings in a user-friendly format, can help to guide advocacy

I was asked to join the Life Course Outcomes Research Program at the AJ Drexel Autism Institute just as the first National Autism Indicators Report was being completed. This report re-analyzes data from two other national surveys that address the transition to adulthood. The report presents the results in a format (including info graphics and fact sheets) intended to facilitate the use of these data in policy decisions. I became very familiar with this report in the course of presenting findings to policy conferences in Ohio and in Texas, and was struck by the buzz it generated.

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The logo is adapted from Joaquim Alves Gaspar's drawing of Pedro Reinel's compass rose.