
ASD Roadmap

Straight Lines from Research to Your Practice

Purple text on this website indicates a link to specific lesson learned from successful programs which I have led or provided consultation to, and from other programs that I have learned about.  These lessons illustrate instances in which research findings can be directly and immediately translated into practice.

In most cases, this includes the specific practices that educators, clinicians, and other professionals use in working directly with students, patients, clients, and consumers.  In a smaller number of cases, these practices may inform decisions leaders may make in the design of their own programs, or may guide advocates in identifying strategies or setting priorities. These complement other lessons that outline simple steps to improve your program or other lessons learned from successful programs.

Click on any of the lessons below for more information. You can also click here to learn more about how these and other lessons are designed to offer specific, concrete steps that help to guide you are now seeking to improve.

You can only generalize the outcomes reported for a specific intervention or program to other populations if the initial evaluations are comprehensive and accurate

Reported rates of successful outcomes are skewed when programs exclude students with co-occurring intellectual disability or problem behavior

Build programs of professional development around core principles that translate research findings into specific practice guidelines with measurable outcomes

To replicate a practice or program, you must understand its infrastructure, like funding, staffing, target populations, curriculum, and settings

Build programs that take advantage of powerful, evidence-based practices using positive behavior approaches informed by functional assessment

Use large, well-designed surveys to identify critical gaps in access to basic care, and to help to set benchmarks for new programs

The logo is adapted from Joaquim Alves Gaspar's drawing of Pedro Reinel's compass rose.